Our Mission

To provide services, support, advocacy, education, career development, and employment for the unsheltered, youth and adults with mental health challenges and disabilities, the previously incarcerated, and those in crisis - through best practice programs in collaboration with community agencies and resources.

Heartlight is Growing!

2025 has definitely gotten off to a brilliant start and as we approach this beautiful Spring, we are blossoming with new activities!

We are finally settling into our new office location, with so much room to continue to grow!

You can now find us at:

100 Commerce Drive

Suite 106

Newark, DE 19713

 We continue to expand our contracted State-wide Competitive Employment Placement Services with the Delaware Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, along with our Community-based Work Assessments, and our Employment Readiness Training (ERT) program.


Our ERT course is designed to support clients in obtaining, furthering development of,  and demonstrating the 17 Competency Skills National Employers are seeking in entry and midlevel  positions.

We have placed clients into gainful employment with Acme, Delaware Park, Amazon, Homestead Gardens, Allied Security, State of Delaware, Royal Farms, Home Depot, numerous retail sites, hospitality and medical occupations, and so many more...

We continue to be passionate about our endeavors, enjoy working in partnership with families, watching our clients grow and succeed, and training employers how to work with and support individuals with challenges.

Along with our day to day activities, which keep us really busy, we are actively submitting proposals to expand our services and programs.

Come see us at the NCC Transition to Adult Life Fair

on March 27th at DTCC Stanton Campus.

April 23rd, at 7:00pm, we will be hosting at our offices,  a

Parent Information Night

about Transition and Navigating

an often complex system of accessing resources and obtaining services in Delaware!




Our Purpose

The Heartlight Foundation is comprised of a group of individuals whose passions have resulted in them choosing to become “Agents of Change.” The purpose of our foundation is to make a difference in the lives of the disabled, disadvantaged, underserved, and disregarded; to bring about cultural and systemic change in the treatment of children, youth, and adults in crisis and those who are homeless, and with disabilities and to insure individuals are supported, served, and educated through professional research based best-practice programs and services.

Our Foundation provides: Comprehensive Employment & Career Services, Life & Work Skills Training, Professional Development for Educators and Employers, Leadership, Diversity & Disability Training, Mentoring & Tutoring Programs, Rehoming Services, Advocacy, Mentoring & Tutoring, Consulting Services & Mediation, Accommodation Assessments,  and continued On-Site Coaching Supports for retention and career growth. For the underserved in our communities, we provide services, survival goods, supports, and resources to those who are without employment, are unsheltered and in crisis. Our goal is to support the populations we serve in successfully navigating the challenges of a complex and often broken system. The Heartlight Foundation is here to serve, educate, and support!

*Heartlight’s Passionate Partners*

A huge THANK YOU to our partners as we continue to increase our programs and services in 2024!


Contact us for Services  - heartlightorg@gmail.com

Virtual and In Person - Share our program with friends, family, and your local schools

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