“Tragedy into Triumph…”
Receiving that specific text from one of my staff about a news interview they had just seen where a business owner was looking to donate shoes to the community. This had me excited. I was absolutely intrigued… needed to locate the news feed, and proceeded to do just that.
A fellow sister in Christ, and local business owner Sharon Leaks-Morgan of S&B Organic Cleaning Services in Philadelphia, PA, was the one being interviewed. She had been contacted to clean out 6 different stores (after the looting) in Philadelphia, and was able to remove and retain the remaining contents and to give back to her community. What the enemy meant for evil, God turns into good!
The point of that interview was to reach any Charitable Foundation helping those in the homeless community, and to contact her so that she could make a difference to those in need. I was lucky enough to reach her and with those shoes and even socks our organization will be able to touch almost 50 homeless in need!!
Now that I reflect on that day and remember how deep in prayer I was, and how connected to God I was in my conversation with HIM. HE knew exactly what he felt my next steps should be. Low and behold HE does what HE always does… HE unfolded HIS plan and revealed the need to call Sharon.
What a wonderful start of a long-lasting relationship there will now be with Sharon, her S&B business and our Heartlight Foundation. What a blessing to cover the feet of those who have no shoes!
#untotheleastofthese #Godlovesthehomeless #homelessneedshoesandsocks